Paper Door Metadata Services

Good metadata is essential.


It's also a pain.

The distributed information and data that describe your books drive discovery, help consumers and booksellers better understand your titles, and, when done well, improve conversions at the point of sale. It's incredibly important. But if you're like most independent publishers, you got into book publishing specifically to avoid things like ONIX feeds, markup languages, data entry, and proprietary CMS platforms.

Fortunately, we can help. Paper Door offers a variety of metadata optimization and management services to help independent publishers improve the data they distribute to booksellers. Better discovery, better sales, and less headache. With Paper Door supporting your metadata requirements, you can focus on the things that matter—expanding your list and growing your imprint.

How we can help.

  • Book Metadata Audit & Optimization

    Paper Door can review all of your your current metadata to spot potential issues and identify areas for optimization. Recommendations are based on industry best practices and made to ensure your data is accurate, appropriately formatted, and comprehensive.

  • Metadata Management

    Prefer to offload entirely? Paper Door can manage all aspects of metadata on an ongoing basis, from designating BISAC codes and crafting description copy to adding third party reviews and building out alternate formats.

  • Ingram Suite of Publisher Tools

    In addition to core metadata optimization, Paper Door has specialized experience with the Ingram Publisher Services (IPS) suite of platforms. These platforms are robust tools, but hey can also be complex. If you'd like more clarity and less frustration, Paper Door can help with comprehensive support and management of the IPS suite of platforms.